Case Studies

Case study 1 - US-Headquartered Multi-National Manufacturing Corporation

Instructed by a US-headquartered multi-national manufacturing corporation to investigate allegations of inappropriate comments made by a senior UK executive towards a US colleague.

In addition to the specific allegations of bad behaviour, the investigator was asked to highlight any wider concerns regarding workplace culture that arose from the investigation.

It became apparent as the investigation progressed that the allegations were being pushed forward by senior employees on behalf of the alleged victim – as part of a wider conflict between different personalities at a senior level, in both the UK and US. There were conflicting accounts of the relevant events. The investigation report made findings on the specific allegations, together with wider recommendations to support the UK executive in refining their management style and address tensions within the company’s leadership group.

Case study 2 - Biotechnology Company

Instructed by a biotechnology company to investigate over 30 allegations of discrimination and harassment brought in a formal grievance by a senior HR professional, against several members of the company’s board of directors and senior leadership team. 

The investigation required detailed interviews with the complainant (who was on sick leave) and each of the executives involved over several days, together with analysis of relevant correspondence between the various parties. A comprehensive report was produced and ultimately, the allegations were held not to be well-founded. 

Case study 3 - UK Retail Group

Instructed by a UK retail group to investigate multiple disciplinary allegations against a store manager, including bullying a former employee, falsifying documentation and inappropriate behaviour towards a third party outside the business.

This investigation required careful, independent handling. The employee against whom the allegations were made had previously complained about the employer and its HR advisers to external bodies (including the ICO) and declined to attend an investigation meeting. A detailed investigation report was produced based on the evidence available. It concluded that there was a case to answer for some (but not all) of the disciplinary allegations.

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